How To Create Bootable Windows USB Using Refus (Very Easily Method)
Rufus can easily create bootable USB’s for most bootable ISO, including among others:
Windows XP (SP2) (not Windows XP x64)
Windows Server 2003 R2
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Windows 8 and Windows 8.1
Windows 10
Hiren’s Boot CD
NT Password Registry Editor
Ultimate Boot CD
Partition Magic
….plus many more
In this tutorial we will be creating a bootable Windows 7 Ultimate USB.
Things you will need:
Your bootable ISO of choice. I will be using a Windows 7 Ultimate ISO (If you have a Windows 7 disk, then you can create your own bootable ISO easily using ImgBurn)
Latest version of Rufus (I am using version 2.2)
A spare USB stick (The size of the USB required will vary depending on the size of the ISO you are using. For this exercise I need an 8GB USB)
Once you have the required items, you can start by opening up Rufus. Don’t worry about any of the settings here as Rufus will automatically do this for you depending on the type of ISO you are using.
By default, it will appear to have many of the options blank until you connect your USB. Once you connect the USB, these fields will be automatically filled for you.
Next, connect your USB to your computer.
Now we need to select our ISO. (in my case the Windows 7 ISO) Select the icon highlighted as shown below, which will let you browse for the required ISO file.
Select the file by left clicking on it once and then clicking on Open.
Rufus will now have filled out the fields for you. All you have to do now is hit Start.
If your USB is the correct size then you will get a standard warning telling you that any data/partitions that was on the USB before starting the process will be permanently deleted
Click OK, to start.
How long the process will take to complete will depend on the specs of your computer, the USB (read/write speeds) and the size of the ISO you are using.
That’s it. You now have a bootable USB. Now You can Easiy Install Windows Using Your USB.
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